Kickstarting Healthy


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Mission statement:

To enhance the quality of life of others, and improve their physical fitness and overall well-being with the knowledge of exercise. This mission drives me to believe in an individualized approach to fitness and creating a fitness plan that is custom to you, whether it be online or in person.

Vision statement:

I see everyone as capable of exercising and moving their bodies, it’s just finding the best way for each individual. Motivated by a passion for rehabilitation, exercising not only helps heal the body but also improves our overall health and wellness. My goal is to help everyone find a way to incorporate working out into their routine.


Anyone can exercise despite age or abilities.

Strength training can be modified for any injury or impairment.

The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do.

Fitness can also be fun.

You don’t need any specific type of equipment to get in shape.

Personal Training

I have 2 Personal Training location options to choose from

In-home and a private studio training location

I can come to you! Exercise from the comfort of your own home, with minimal equipment not being an issue! My in-home programs will help you achieve your goals and feel your best, without having to leave your house. Get personalized programs that will get you the results you’re looking for whether that be weight loss, muscle building, rehab from an injury, etc. Don’t worry about anything except being ready for your appointment!

You can come to me! I have a private studio located at 565 Bryne Drive in the south end of Barrie just off of Mapleview Drive. It is private studio for personal trainers and their clients only called “Grand Central Training Station”. This means there are no excuses.. we can book anytime! It has all the necessities a regular gym would have but in a much more private setting. I have several Training packages to fit your goals, pricing ranges from $65 to $80 per session. If you would like to book a fitness consultation with me the price is $40.

Home Work Out Guide’s

Get sweaty AT HOME on your own time at your own pace!

Minimal equipment required (light weights, yoga mat, mini band, yoga ball).

Need more information or want to book a consultation?

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

“Client Spotlight” - Jen’s Rehabilitation Story